US EPA approves Amoeba’s biocontrol solution in the US

US EPA approves Amoeba’s biocontrol solution for agricultural use

Lyon (France), November 3, 2022 – 8.45 am- AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in development phase, informs that the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has approved the use of the lysate of Willaertia magna C2c Maky as an active substance for use in plant protection.

As a result of the EPA’s favorable pre-decision (see Press Release dated September 29th, 2022), the lysate of the amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky is now approved for use in the United States for the control of fungal plant diseases in agriculture.

In accordance with the pre-decision, the US EPA has confirmed the exemption of Willaertia magna C2c Maky lysate from maximum residue limits (see Press Release dated October 12th, 2022) and exemption of pre-harvest intervals when applied in accordance with instructions for use and good agricultural practices.

Formulations (products) containing Willaertia magna C2c Maky lysate will be subject to an application for marketing authorization to the EPA in 2023, with an approval expected in 2024.