
Data Sheet

Amoéba’s shares have been trading since 14 september 2020 on Euronext growth

  • ISIN code:  FR0011051598
  • Ticker symbol: ALMIB
  • Trading type: continuous
  • SSP-eligible


Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Amoeba’s performance made by these analysts, experts or other advisors are their own views and are not to be construed as opinions, forecasts or estimates of Amoeba or its management. These analysts, experts or other advisors are not employees of the Company and do not receive any compensation for the use of their opinions, estimates or forecasts by Amoéba. These references are provided by Amoéba for informational purposes only and do not imply that the Company agrees with or accepts such information, conclusions or recommendations. Amoéba is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in such opinions, estimates or forecasts of such analysts, experts or other advisors.


Stock market price

To see trading directly:

Capital distribution


Edison Group coverage


Portzamparc coverage

Note Portzamparc – Amoéba 200423

Registered shareholders

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