
Amoéba announces the availability of the 2021 Universal Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report

Lyon (France), April 13, 2022 -8.30 am- AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological
biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and a biocontrol product
for plant protection, still in a development phase, announces that the 2021 Universal Registration
Document was filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers AMF) on April 12, 2022 under number D.22-0280.

The 2021 Universal Registration Document includes:

  • the Annual Financial Report comprising the consolidated financial statements, the parent
    company financial statements, the management report and the related statutory auditors’
  • the Board of Directors’ corporate governance report.

The Universal Registration Document 2021 also presents the company’s activities, particularly in the
development of the biocidal and biocontrol applications and its research works. The organisation,
financial situation, results and prospects of Amoéba are also described in the Document.

The document may be viewed or downloaded on the company’s website
under section “Investors / financial documents/ Reference Document”. Copies of the Universal
Registration Document are also available at the company’s headquarters: 38, avenue des frères
Montgolfier, 69680 Chassieu, France.

Amoéba announces the deferral of the issuance of the 5th tranche of bonds convertible into shares.

Chassieu (France), April 5, 2022 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a
biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a
biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, informs that it has exercised
the suspension option relating to the issue of the 5th tranche of OCAs.

In accordance with article 3.1.3 of the contract for the issuance of bonds convertible into shares
signed with Nice & Green SA on December 17, 2020, Amoéba has decided to exercise the
suspension option relating to the issuance of the 5th tranche of 60 bonds
, initially scheduled on
April 5 2022. According to the terms of the contract, this suspension can be exercised for a maximum
period of 2 months. The exercise of the suspension option results in the automatic postponement of
the issuance of the suspended tranche immediately after the suspension period and the commitment
period is extended for a maximum period equal to the suspension phase.

Amoéba announces the update of the European regulatory application calendar.

Chassieu (France), March 25th , 2022 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, is updating the calendar for the regulatory applications currently under evaluation in Europe.

Biocide application (active substance: viable Willaertia magna C2c Maky) in Europe:

The application for approval of the active substance submitted in 2019 is currently being evaluated by the Maltese authority (MCCAA). In November 2021, the Maltese authority committed to submit the active substance assessment report to the company by March 31st, 2022 (see Press Release of November 15th, 2021). In March 2022, MCCAA has informed Amoéba that it would take a few more weeks to fully finalize the assessment report.

Biocontrol application (active substance: lysate of Willaertia magna C2c Maky) in Europe:

The application for approval of the active substance, submitted in 2020, is currently being evaluated by the Austrian authority (AGES). In December 2021, AGES informed the Company that the assessment report should be finalized by the end of March 2022 (see Press Release of December 14th, 2021). In March 2022, AGES informed Amoéba that, due to the exceptional pandemic situation in Austria, many expert evaluators were incapacitated or quarantined, leading to an extension of the evaluation for a few weeks.

Applications in other geographic areas:

For the other applications under evaluation (biocide in the USA and Canada ; biocontrol in the USA and Brazil), the information provided in the Press Release of December 14th, 2021 are still valid.

Amoéba : a 2nd cereal trial campaign confirms the potential of its biocontrol product

Chassieu (France), August 24th, 2021 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, announces the results of the 2nd cereal trial campaign.

After the first conclusive field trials in 2020 (see press release of 22 July 2020), Amoéba carried out a second campaign of agronomic trials in Europe against cereal diseases in 2021.

About fifteen trials were set up in 3 countries (France, Italy, Germany.) The main diseases targeted were:
– on wheat: yellow rust, septoria and fusarium head blight.
– on barley: rhynchosporium.

This year’s results confirm the efficacy of Amoeba’s biocontrol formulations against the main cereal diseases, the largest fungicide market in Europe. Their level of performance assessed at this stage against yellow rust in particular, but also septoria in wheat, is such that it would be possible to partially replace conventional fungicides at the first treatment, in combination with moderately susceptible varieties.

“While biocontrol is already well established in specialty crops, such as vines and vegetables, the search for effective biofungicides in field crops is one of the major objectives of plant protection in Europe. The results of our first experimental campaigns are very encouraging: with Amoéba’s products, it would be possible, by combining genetic resistance (choice of tolerant varieties) and biocontrol, to reduce the use of chemical fungicides on wheat by up to 50%, while maintaining a perfectly satisfactory level of protection” says Jean Luc SOUCHE – Business Developer Biocontrol of Amoéba.

1. Climatic context of the 2021 field trials for cereals

The rather cold and dry start of spring was not favourable to the early development of diseases, in particular septoria and rhynchosporiosis which require repeated rainfall to develop.

However, significant yellow rust infections were observed in many trials in the Paris Basin and Northern France.

Later on, heavy rains in mid-June, when the wheat was at the sensitive flowering stage, caused very important infestations of fusarium head blight, in particular in our trials, carried out with artificial contamination (spraying of a spore suspension on the ears).

2. Results of the field trials

Against wheat foliar diseases, three formulations were compared, applied alone in some trials or positioned as the first treatment of a two-treatment program (the second being carried out with a conventional fungicide) in another protocol.

– Septoria was not very present this year, and the available results confirm the activity observed in 2020, close to 50%.

– Two trials on barley, with a low level of contamination, showed the same level of efficacy (50%) against rhynchosporium, a level never reached by any natural product.

– The only trial infested by brown rust saw an explosive development of the disease. Situations like this are very unfavourable for biocontrol products in general, and the experimental products did not show any activity.

– The results of the wheat yellow rust trials also confirm those of 2020: a very clear and regular efficacy is observed, in the range of 40% to 75%. This efficacy is generally lower than that of the chemical standard products compared, but this level of performance is unmatched for a biocontrol product. Efficacy is maximised when disease development is not explosive, particularly on moderately susceptible varieties.

This effectiveness is also reflected in sometimes spectacular and statistically significant yield gains: 8.11 MT/ha in a trial where the control reached only 7.06 MT/ha and the standard 7.89 MT/ha, i.e +1 .05 MT (+14.8% increase) for the experimental product.

The “program” trials were less contaminated, but still show the interest of Amoeba’s biocontrol products in the first treatment.

– Fusarium head blight is a late disease but particularly damaging, firstly because it causes grain scald (an alteration in ripening) and therefore direct yield losses, and secondly because the pathogenic fungus also secretes mycotoxins (e.g deoxynivalenol or DON) that are dangerous to human or animal health. European legislation sets a maximum deoxynivalenol content, above which batches cannot be used in human food.

Conventional standard fungicides are not very satisfactory against this disease, hence the interest in using biocontrol products, especially since for a late treatment carried out on the ear in flowering, the risk of finding chemical pesticide residues in the grain is high.

Encouraging results are observed in the particularly extreme conditions of this year, especially with one of the tested formulations, which in 1 trial has an efficacy equivalent to that of the reference chemical fungicide, and leads to a statistically significant yield gain of 8.5% compared to the untreated control.

These results will naturally be confirmed in 2022.

Promising results of the Biocontrol-Grapevine application despite a very strong “downy mildew year”

Chassieu (France), July 29th, 2021 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, announces the results of the third field trial campaign against grapevine downy mildew and powdery mildew of its biocontrol solution, in a very strong mildew year

A difficult meteorological context very favourable to downy mildew.

In France, after heavy frosts in April, May was relatively cold and the few rains did not cause any contamination.

A rise in temperatures was observed in June until a short period of heat wave. From 10-15 June, episodes of heavy rain followed one another, causing sudden and very important contaminations on leaves and bunches in many regions: Bordeaux, South-West more generally, Champagne, East, as well as Burgundy and Beaujolais to a lesser extent.

Thus, significant and sometimes unprecedented damage was observed in these different regions.

Faced with these exceptional disease pressure conditions, even the products considered to be the most effective against downy mildew were put to the test. Copper (Bordeaux mixture), at its full rate of 750 g/ha per application, applied every 7 days, was regularly ineffective, showing only insufficient protection in many trials, contrary to what was observed in previous years.

Nevertheless, such conditions are favourable for testing products under development.

Results of the grapevine downy mildew field trials

In 27 field trials in 8 European countries, the following points could be confirmed by Amoeba:

  • Extreme conditions of downy mildew attack are too difficult for 100% biocontrol treatment programs : all registered reference biocontrol products and Amoéba’s experimental products could only provide a small initial protection and then were insufficiently effective.
  • On the other hand, in all situations where the rains at the end of June were a little less sustained and less repeated, and despite significant disease pressure, the experimental products of Amoeba confirmed their effectiveness, frequently at the level of copper.
  • Moreover, the associations between the experimental products of Amoeba and a reduced dose of copper (150 g/ha, i.e. 1/5 of the maximum dose), have once again ensured sufficient protection, at least equivalent to that of a copper program at a practical dose of about 3000g/ha/year, in many European vineyards: South-East of France, Muscadet, Italy (Friuli and Piedmont), North Portugal, Spain (Galicia), Hungary, Bulgaria.
  • The formulations of Amoéba’s experimental products have been improved again this year: several have been compared and a SC (suspension concentrate) formulation, newly tested during this field trial campaign, proved to be superior to the others in 80% of cases.

Trials for future marketing authorization applications require products to be tested on their own throughout the season to assess their intrinsic efficacy. This type of protocol, which is not representative of wine-growing practice, has enabled us to confirm, for the third consecutive year in the field, the activity of the active substance, but also to verify that in the event of very high downy mildew pressure, it is advisable to opt for conventional protection in addition to biocontrol products.

The results of the strategy of combining Amoeba’s experimental products with copper, which allows for a reduction in the amount of copper used per hectare to around 1,500 g/year, are once again very encouraging in view of the regulatory review of copper at European level (scheduled for 2026), which could lead to a reduction in the authorized dose (today 28 kg of copper per hectare over a period of seven years is authorized, i.e. 4,000 g/ha/year smoothed over 7 years).

In this difficult year, Amoéba’s experimental products confirm their effectiveness, their potential to reduce chemical fungicides, and their good complementarity with a reduced dose of copper,” says Jean Luc SOUCHE, Biocontrol Business Developer of Amoéba.

Very promising results on powdery mildew

After an interesting first trial in 2019 (no internal experimentation in 2020), a few trials were conducted on powdery mildew on grapes in France and Italy. All the contaminated trials show a very clear effectiveness of Amoéba’s experimental products, reaching 90% effectiveness on bunches in a trial where the disease intensity is high, i.e. an effectiveness almost equivalent to that of sulphur under the same conditions.

These good results, which will be the subject of a large confirmation trials program in 2022, could support a marketing authorization application against this disease. Such a versatility of downy mildew and powdery mildew in the same biocontrol product would be an important competitive advantage,” says Jean Luc SOUCHE, Biocontrol Business Developer of Amoéba.

As announced in April 2021, Amoeba is currently conducting a large-scale cereal trial campaign and will report the results as soon as efficacy and yield data are available.

Amoeba announces a postponement of the conclusion of the evaluation by Malta of the biocide active substance dossier

Chassieu (France), July 5th, 2021 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, announces that it has received, on June 24th, 2021, a final set of questions from the Maltese Authority which is evaluating the biocidal active substance dossier.

As a reminder, in its press release dated April 6th, 2021, specifying the timetable for the biocidal and phytosanitary regulatory dossiers, the Company estimated that the evaluation report of its “Biocide” dossier by the Maltese Authority could be available by mid-2021.

Considering the time needed to submit the response file, as well as the time needed for the assessment of the response file, the Maltese Authority has committed to finalise the assessment report in the 4th quarter of 2021.

The Company has decided to take advantage of this new series of questions to enrich its dossier by also submitting the results of a laboratory study currently under finalization, based on the European standard EN 136231, which demonstrates an abatement of more than 99% of the legionella level over 96 hours. This efficacy study complements the efficacy data already submitted, strengthening the demonstration of the efficacy of the active substance in continuous injection.

Chassieu (France), June 24, 2021 – 5:45 p.m. – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in the development phase, announces the provisional appointment of Mr. Philippe Dujardin as an independent director of the Board of Directors, to replace Mr Pascal Reber for the remainder of his predecessor’s term of office, i.e. until the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2022, subject to ratification by the next Ordinary General Meeting.

After examining the situation of Mr Philippe Dujardin with regard to the independence criteria defined by the MiddleNext Code to which AMOEBA refers, the Board of Directors qualified Mr Philippe Dujardin as an independent director.


Philippe Dujardin has 30 years of experience in growth companies. Previously Deputy CEO of Awabot, Chief Financial Officer of Erytech Pharma, he was also Director of Financing and Investor Relations at Infogrames / Atari Group.
He joined BOOSTHEAT in 2014 as C.F.O and held the positions of Head of Development of BOOSTHEAT SA (partnerships, offers, international development…) and Chief Executive Officer of BOOSTHEAT France.

Philippe Dujardin is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims and of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon.

Mr Pascal Reber will continue to bring his extensive experience and expertise to the service of the Company and will attend future meetings of the Board of Directors in a consultative role as censor.

“I welcome Philippe Dujardin to our Board of Directors. I am delighted with his arrival, which reinforces the good governance of the Company and complements the skills already present on the Board by bringing his solid financial expertise and his experience in the management of innovative companies. I would like to thank Pascal Reber for his support and involvement in the development of the company over the past 7 years”, says Fabrice Plasson, Chairman and CEO of Amoeba.



The General Meeting of Amoéba shareholders, convened on May 27, 2021 at 9 a.m. at the Company’s registered office, did not reach the quorum required to vote on the ordinary and extraordinary resolutions.

Consequently, a new Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting will be held on second call on:

Thursday 24 June 2021 – 9.00 am
at the company registered office – 38 Avenue des Frères Montgolfier- 69680 CHASSIEU

for the purpose of ruling on the same agenda as the first convocation notice, published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) of 10 may 2021.

The notice of the second convocation including the agenda was published in the Bulletin des Annonces légales Obligatoires (BALO) of June 2, 2021. The terms and conditions of participation and voting at the Meeting are set out in this notice.

The documents stipulated by article R.225-83 of the French commercial code are available to shareholders from the moment that the assembly is convened, in line with the applicable regulatory requirements:

  • Any registered shareholder can, until the fifth day (inclusive) before the assembly, ask the company to send him these documents. For holders of bearer shares, this right can only be exercised upon presentation of a statement of participation in the accounts of bearer shares held by the authorised intermediary;
  • Any shareholder can consult these documents at the company’s headquarters during the 15 days preceding the date of the meeting.



As of today, Wednesday, June 2, log on to the website of your financial intermediary dedicated to the management of your AMOEBA shares, with your usual access codes and vote online if you hold your shares in one of the following banks (list of banks offering access to the VOTACESS platform): Banque Populaire, Banque Postale, BNP Paribas, Bourse Direct, Boursorama, Caisse d’Epargne, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Mutuel, CIC, HSBC, Milleis, Natixis, Société Générale.


Find all the information you need to vote by post or give proxy to the Chairman on our dedicated page:

We are at your disposal to provide you with any additional information on voting procedures by calling+ 33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 or by email at


In the context of the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), the procedures for holding the Shareholders’ Meeting may change depending on health and/or legal requirements. Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the section dedicated to the Shareholders’ Meeting on the Company’s website (

AMOEBA announces the second convocation of its General Meeting

Chassieu (France), May 27, 2021 -5.45 pm- AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in a development phase, informs that the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting held today at 9:00 a.m., at the Company’s registered office, could not be held due to a lack of quorum for both ordinary and extraordinary resolutions.

Consequently, and in accordance with the legal provisions, the shareholders of the Company are hereby notified of the holding of an Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting convened on second call on Thursday 24 June 2021 at 9 a.m. at the Company’s registered office, 38 avenue des Frères Montgolfier – 69680 Chassieu.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles R. 225-77 and R. 225-79 of the French Commercial Code, postal voting forms sent to the Company and proxies given for the Combined General Meeting of 27 May 2021 on the first notice of meeting shall remain valid for the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting convened on the second notice of meeting on the same agenda, provided that the shares are still registered.

The notice of the second convocation including the agenda will be published in the next few days in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) and published on the Company’s website.


In the context of the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), the procedures for holding the Shareholders’ Meeting may change depending on health and/or legal requirements. Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the section dedicated to the Shareholders’ Meeting on the Company’s website (



The company’s shareholders are invited to attend the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting which will be held on:

Thursday 27 may 2021 – 9 am

at the company registered office – 38 Avenue des Frères Montgolfier- 69680 CHASSIEU

The notice of the meeting, including the agenda and the planned resolutions, was published in the BALO (Bulletin of obligatory legal announcements) of April 21, 2021; the notice convening the meeting was published in the BALO of May 10, 2021.

The documents stipulated by article R.225-83 of the French commercial code are available to shareholders from the moment that the assembly is convened, in line with the applicable regulatory requirements:

  • Any registered shareholder can, until the fifth day (inclusive) before the assembly, ask the company to send him these documents. For holders of bearer shares, this right can only be exercised upon presentation of a statement of participation in the accounts of bearer shares held by the authorised intermediary;
  • Any shareholder can consult these documents at the company’s headquarters during the 15 days preceding the date of the meeting.For information, electronic voting via the VOTACCESS secure voting platform for the General Meeting of Thursday, May 27, 2021 will be open from May 10, 2021 until Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 3:00 pm (Paris time). Shareholders wishing to use this platform can consult the access conditions in the notice of meeting and on the company’s website (here).

The results of the votes on resolutions will be posted on the Company’s website.


In the context of the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) , the procedures for holding the Shareholders’ Meeting may change depending on health and/or legal requirements.

Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the section dedicated to the Shareholders’ Meeting on the Company’s website (