Amoeba withdraws its biocide file in Canada

Amoeba withdraws its biocide file in Canada to focus its resources on strategic priorities 

Lyon (France), October 19, 2022 – 17h45 – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), producer of a biological biocide capable of eliminating bacterial risk in water and human wounds, and of a biocontrol product for plant protection, still in development phase, announces that it will not pursue the application for its living amoeba-based biocide in Canada. 

Considering the high regulatory risk of this application, which mobilizes human and financial resources, Amoeba has decided to definitively withdraw the application for registration in Canada and to focus its resources on low regulatory risk applications, mainly the biocontrol application which has received positive evaluations in Europe and in the United States so far (see Press Releases of April 25, 2022 and September 29, 2022 respectively) and the biocidal application in closed cooling towers in the United States (see Press Release of August 10, 2022). 

Amoeba is also pursuing its research and development of other uses of the amoeba, in its non-living lysed form, which presents a much lower regulatory risk than the living form, and therefore a high chance of success.