Amoéba obtains €5.9 million in funding from BPI France as part of France 2030 program

Amoéba obtains €5.9 million in funding from BPI France as part of France 2030 program

Chassieu (France), March 29th, 2023 – 17:45 – AMOÉBA (FR0011051598 – ALMIB), an industrial biotech in pre-commercialization* specializing in the treatment of microbiological risk, developing a biocontrol agent for the treatment of plants in agriculture and a biological biocide for the treatment of industrial water, announces the support of BPI France in the framework of the national financing plan “France 2030”.

Presented in October 2021, the “France 2030” financing plan aims to provide answers to the major challenges of our time, while raising France to the rank of leader in its industry through three levers: reindustrialising France, investing massively in innovative technologies and supporting the ecological transition.

As a result of its application to the « Résilience et Capacité Agroalimentaire » appeal, Amoéba has officially been nominated as the laureate of the France 2030 project. After examining the application, BPI France recognised the quality and interest of Amoéba’s investments, as it is a key player in the agro-ecological transition, and announced a support of €5,917,676 in the form of a €3,550,606 subsidy and a €2,367,070 recoverable advance. At this stage, the company is still pending the terms and timing of the payment of these amounts.

This financing will enable the company to further its industrial project, in particular the creation of its eco-responsible plant, located in the new business park “Hauts Banquets” in Cavaillon, dedicated to naturalness. In addition to the environmental nature of the project, Amoéba’s industrialisation meets the innovation criteria of France 2030, with 4.0 facilities and the use of artificial intelligence solutions.

As a reminder, in order to finance its future production site and pursue its operational and research activities over the next three years, the company estimates its total financial expenditure at 45 million euros.  Amoéba is currently pursuing its research for the required financing(s).

By industrializing the production of biocontrol solutions in France, Amoéba is committed to putting all its efforts into biological, autonomous and safe agriculture, and to meeting the European objectives of a 50% reduction in the use of pesticides in Europe by 2030, a 25% of cultures treated in Organic Agriculture in Europe by 2030 and the securing of food inputs in Europe. 

NEXT APPOINTMENT : March 30th, 2023 – 2022 Annual results 

This project was supported by France 2030